Being kind


Create table

                CREATE TABLE tblKindnessIdeas(
                    pmkKindnessIdeasId INT NOT NULL 
                    AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
                    fldFriends VARCHAR(20),
                    fldStrangers VARCHAR(20),
                    fldCommunity VARCHAR(20)

Insert Data

                INSERT INTO tblKindnessIdeas
                (fldFriends, fldStrangers, fldCommunity)
                ('Tell them you appreciate them	', 'Compliment them', 'Pick up trash found on the ground'),
                ('Bake or cook some treats', 'Offer a helping hand', 'Donate old clothing'),
                ('Surprise them with a small gift', 'Buy a coffee', 'Volunteer'),
                ('Hand make them a card', 'Leave a nice note', 'Buy local')

Select Records

                SELECT fldFriends, fldStrangers, fldCommunity FROM tblKindnessIdeas

Create table for form

                CREATE TABLE tblKindnessSurvey (
                    pmkKindnessSurveyID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,
                    fldFirstName varchar(20),
                    fldLastnName varchar(20),
                    fldEmail varchar(40),
                    fldFriendKind tinyint(1),
                    fldStrangerKind tinyint(1),
                    fldCommunityKind tinyint(1),
                    fldNoneKind tinyint(1),
                    fldHowKind varchar(20),
                    fldWhoKind varchar(20),
                    fldTellUs text

Insert Record

                INSERT INTO tblKindnessSurvey
                    (fldFirstName, fldLastnName, fldEmail, fldFriendKind, fldStrangerKind, fldCommunityKind, fldNoneKind, fldHowKind, fldWhoKind, fldTellUs)
                    ('Kat', 'Hughes', '', '1', '0', '0', '0', 'Complimented someone', 'A stranger', 'A stranger asked me about and complimented my project car')